This is the Lough Feeagh AWQMS (Automatic Water Quality Monitoring Station), which was installed in 1996. Here you can view current data that has been collected very recently from the station. Scroll down to view what conditions have been like over the past 7 days. These data are real time (GMT) and raw - they have not yet been through the full quality checking procedures. There may be short term data gaps when we are experiencing technical difficulties. Metadata is available on the Irish Spatial Data Exchange. The Lough Feeagh AWQMS contributes data to the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network ( Lough Feeagh is a deep humic (brown coloured) lake, typical of many lakes in the west of Ireland.

Lough Feeagh Location

Lough Feeagh - Current

Lough Feeagh - Last 7 Days