Fish Dashboard

On this page, you can view the number of fish moving through the Salmon leap and Mill race traps which are situated between Lough Feeagh and Lough Furnace. Data are updated as often as possible, and are raw - they have not yet been through the full quality checking procedures. Numbers are therefore only indicative. Data are available by submitting a request here:

Fish Trap Location

Upstream Adult Salmon Movement

Google Visualization API Sample

Adult salmon generally return to the Burrishoole between May and September. This graph shows the monthly returns for last year.

Downstream Juvenile Salmon Smolt Movement

Google Visualization API Sample

Juvenile salmon smolts in the Burrishoole migrate downstream between April and June. This graph shows the monthly downstream counts for last year.

Downstream Silver Eel Movement

Google Visualization API Sample

Silver Eel migration to sea in the Burrishoole occurs late Summer – Autumn. This graph shows monthly downstream counts for last year.